

Orthotics or Functional Foot Orthoses are inserts that can be placed into shoes in order to improve foot function and reduce excessive forces within the structures of the foot and leg. They can be designed to fit everyday shoes, sports footwear and even smarter shoes such as high heels or court shoes.

Generally speaking a biomechanical assessment will be required in order to prescribe a pair of orthotics.

There are two main types of Orthotics:

  • Custom made Orthotics - these are manufactured using a 3D representation (scan or mould) of an individual's foot. They are then specifically designed for that individual's needs and for optimal fit and comfort. This is by far the most popular method used due to it's customised nature.
  • Prefabricated Orthotics - pre made to an average shape and size and chosen on a best fit basis. Whilst these can be adjusted to better suit the individual they are not custom made.  They can  be appropriate in some cases and your Podiatrist will let you know if this is an option for you. Generally speaking they do not last as long as custom orthotics.